How Can You Benefit from Settling Your Case Now

Get money now!
Put food on the table.
Pay your medical bills.
Need more reasons? Getting money now is a better option than a lengthy trial, which may be the most expensive option of all.
Maximize Your Financial Recovery with Help from Experienced Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
For more than five decades, our law firm has been helping injured workers like you fight for the benefits you deserve. We know it may seem like the insurance company has the upper hand, and it’s easy to be misled by big companies. That’s where we come in!
Insurance adjusters want to settle as many cases by the end of the year as possible to look good at their year-end review. Settling and closing cases towards the end of the year helps them meet their goals.
How Much is Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Worth?
Filing for workers’ compensation in Colorado is a complicated process, and there are no guarantees or set amounts, but Kaufman & Kaufman, LLC. will fight hard to get you every penny you deserve. Learn more about how much your claim could be worth here.
What Happens After You Accept a Settlement?
You must be aware that settling your claim means you’re no longer entitled to any future benefits. All temporary disability benefits you were receiving will end. If you have a dispute about the number of benefits you believe you should have received, you’re giving up your right to have the dispute decided by a workers’ compensation judge. That’s why it’s incredibly important to hire an experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Glenwood Springs to handle your case.
After a settlement is reached, you’ll be able to receive your payments almost immediately in the form of installments over time or a one-time lump-sum payment.
Contact Our Experienced Glenwood Springs Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Today!
Imagine how much better you’ll feel when all your medical bills are covered, and you have a trusted advisor on your side. At Kaufman & Kaufman LLC, we can answer your workers’ compensation questions and make sure you get the financial benefits you deserve!
Your initial consultation with our team is free, so don’t hesitate to make an appointment. Reach out to our Glenwood Springs workers’ compensation attorneys today!