Please check the website for the latest in closures due to car accidents and inclement weather. Contact Kaufman & Kaufman at (970) 945-2396 if you need help navigating the area to your appointment!
Were you injured in an accident at work?
Are you having trouble paying your bills?
Are you fighting for worker’s compensation rights alone? You don’t have to!
It always makes sense to consult with an attorney first. No matter what the case, we’ll let you know whether or not an attorney is needed immediately or at all.
We believe in a personal approach. A paralegal won’t handle your case, we will! Kaufman & Kaufman, LLC. has successfully represented clients for over 53 years. We strive to provide fair, honest, and aggressive representation.
Our attorney in Glenwood Springs specializes in workers’ compensation benefits and take many cases other attorneys refuse, such as cases caused by:
If you really want to understand your rights a worker’s compensation attorney in Breckenridge can help! Imagine what it would feel like to know that your bills are taken care of and you won’t have to struggle putting food on the table.
The first step in defending your rights and getting your legally owed compensation is contacting a worker’s compensation attorney in Breckenridge. If your health has been affected by your job, you’ve been hurt enough. Let us take some of the burden and worry off your plate!
We’re open to almost everyone, from any industry or background, and we’re happy to help you with your case. With an expert by your side through the whole process, you can take your mind off the overwhelming legal issues and focus on getting better. Call today and get the support you deserve! 970-945-2396.
Contact us anytime, on weekends, or after hours! We'll return your call the next day. Please include a phone number or email address. We will keep your information strictly confidential.
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