Are Healthcare Professionals Eligible for Worker’s Compensation After Exposure to COVID-19?

Are you a nurse or doctor who has worked with Coronavirus patients?
Have you experienced Coronavirus symptoms?
Did you have to take a leave of absence to recover?
Are you entitled to worker’s compensation?
It is important to note that with COVID 19 or any other communicable disease, an employee has to test positive for the disease and it must be determined with a reasonable amount of certainty that their exposure to the virus occurred in the workplace and was not community-acquired.
According to Pinnacol Assurance, “If the worker was on the clock and on the premises at the time of the exposure to the virus and can establish a causal connection between the duties of their employment and the infection, then the claim may be held compensable. If the virus is circulating widely in the community where the business is operating, it may be difficult for a worker to prove COVID-19 was contracted at work versus elsewhere. A worker will need to be able to trace the contraction of the virus to a particular time, place and cause in the workplace for it to be deemed compensable.”
Can you File for Workers Compensation Benefits?
As of March 26, 2020, Colorado has not issued any order or legislation explicitly stating that healthcare professionals exposed to COVID-19 will be entitled to Workers Compensation benefits.
These cases are hard to prove. Each individual set of circumstances may be different. Contact a Colorado worker’s compensation attorney to discuss your rights. At Kaufman & Kaufman, we can give you advice and represent you in your case.
A Family Firm that will Fight for You!
We always help the little guy, whether it’s quick legal advice, tips, or if you take action on your behalf. We’d be happy to do everything we can to ensure your process is smooth.
We understand every case is different! Our workers’ compensation attorneys in Colorado understand your frustrations and want to help you protect your family in uncertain times. Not sure when your next paycheck is coming? We can help ensure you get everything you’re owed and safeguard your family’s financial situation.
Get the Process Started Today! Contact Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Now to Get What You’re Owed!
Anytime you have a question about your rights or what you’re entitled to, it’s best to ask a Colorado workers’ compensation attorney first. Even if you think you might be able to handle your case yourself, it's often a good idea to contact a workers' compensation attorney for a free consultation. The attorney can walk you through the process, alert you to potential pitfalls, and give an honest appraisal of whether you can handle the case on your own.