Steps to Take After You Get Injured Working at a Ski Resort in Colorado
It’s critical to report an injury on the job as soon as possible. Waiting to file a report can result in a complete denial of your claim or a reduction in your benefits.
Your employer also has some critical legal obligations. For instance, they must file an injury report with their carrier and the Division of Workers’ Compensation, and they must provide a list of designated providers to the injured party within 7 days.
The importance of following proper procedures after an on-the-job injury can’t be overstated. In many instances, getting an attorney involved can make all difference.
“Skiing facilities” have the third-highest non-fatal injury rate among all industries in the U.S., according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Even though most resorts make worker safety a priority, accidents are inevitable. For example, ice can build up in areas around the slopes, or a guest may not practice safe skiing behavior.
Some of the most common injuries among ski resort employees include:
1. Falls from slipping on ice or snow
2. Collisions with other skiers or boarders
3. Lifting-related injuries from transporting injured skiers or snowboarders
4. Strains and sprains
5. Getting caught or falling when assisting someone out of a lift
6. Lacerations, cuts, and bruises
Not Sure What to Do? Consult with an Attorney First!
It always makes sense to consult with an attorney first. No matter what the specifics of your case are, we’ll let you know whether an attorney is needed immediately or not at all. Don’t waste your time with confusing workers’ compensation questions. We will never charge you to answer simple questions, so what are you waiting for?
Contact Our Experienced Colorado Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today!
If you’re unsure whether you qualify, or if you believe you’ve been wrongfully denied workers compensation benefits, speak to an experience Colorado workers’ compensation attorney today! We’ll make sure you and your case get the attention you deserve!
The initial consult with our office is free! If you have a question or concern about your claim for Colorado Workers’ Compensation, please set up an appointment with us to discuss your rights!